Radio Nation [episode 15]
February 15, 2011
A 2010 Winter Olympic look back — On Feb. 14, 2010, Alexandre Bilodeau became the first Canadian to win a gold medal on Canadian soil. A moment that we should never forget!
Plus a man gets four months for beating his kitten to death. I’ll vent my frustration at how terrible our animal cruelty laws are.
Mike Fisher is going to Nashville to be with his wife Carrie Underwood and people in Ottawa are not happy with her.
As always, you will hear some weird news on the show, including a Winnipeg dating site for people with herpes (?!). And no, I am not talking about the average cold sore.
As promised last week, I will review the Artist of the Week from Week 14. Artist Solotious is from New Jersey and we will feature one of his songs. Check out myspace.com/y1ambitious to hear more music by him.
Artist of the Week is 12-year-old Daniella, known as Dz. She will be in studio with me. Please check out dzrocks.com for more information on this artist.
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