The Journal Episode 4 – Thursday, December 1, 2011
On the show:
Hosts | Shawn Dumas, Bianca Samuel
Executive Producer: Dorlene Lin
Show Producer/Head Writer: Vicky Sparks
Senior Story Producer: Stephen Morris
Production Manager/Studio Producer: Stan
Director/Music Producer: Erik Webber
Writer: Matt White
Web Coordinator: Bianca Samuel
Lighting & Set: John McDonnell, Mike Stoddart
Technical Director: Shimon Nelson
Floor Director: Rami Ariba
Camera Operators: Terence Chow, Derek DeGale, Sydney Bandiera, John McDonnell
Audio Operators: Matt Lee, Natasha Iclietes
VTR Operator: Jordan Randel
Teleprompter: Abdi Aden
CG Operators: Sydney Bandiera, John McDonnell
Studio Floaters: Mike Stoddart, Aleesha Watts
Music and Dancing by: Matt Lee, Ruph Regimen, Mike Stoddart