The Journal Episode 2 – Thursday, March 22, 2012
On the show:
Hosts | Marc Cusi, Zach Murillo
Director: Eric Reid
Technical Director: Max A.
Floor Director: Ellis B.
Cam 1: Evan C.
Cam 2: Mark C.
Cam 3: Irma D.
Cam 4: Mark J.
Audio: Stephen F.
VTR/CCU: Chrispy P.
Teleprompter: Eric T.
CG: Kelvin W.
“Lack of Snow”
Produced and Directed By: Zach Murillo
Produced and Directed By: Marc Cusi
“Residential Schools”
Produced and Directed By: Jordan Linekar
“Hair Crack”
Produced and Directed By: Irma Duplessis
“Nature vs. Nurture”
Produced and Directed By: Eric Reid
Produced and Directed By: Kim Roberts