After the Count – Year End Review Special
Merry Christmas everybody! So we’re set to take time off until the new year but we decided before we do to review 2013. The WWE had so many twists, bumps and turns we had to cover it all. Daniel Mason is back this episode.
Once again Merry Christmas to you all and have a safe and Happy New Year! See you in 2014.
About the hosts
Jose Taboada is a first year student in Broadcasting and Film. Jose was a huge fan of the WWE from 2002 up until about 2009. He found baseball and left wrestling behind. However just recently Jose got back into the WWE world. He put baseball aside and has gone back to his childhood. Now he’s creating new memories with After the Count.
Sam Pierce is also a first year student in Broadcasting and Film. Sam has been living in the WWE world since he was born. As a huge fan that goes to many events, why wouldn’t he talk about wrestling on a radio show?