Between the Trenches – episode 15: Week 2 Recap
Between the Trenches looks to provide an entertaining and informative look on the National Football League. Hosts Duane Turner and Mitch Sanderson provide insight on the latest news in the NFL and offer previews and analysis on all the teams that make up the biggest sport in North America.
Episode 15 breakdown
Segment 1:
Week 2 in the NFL is over, but we were left with more questions than answers. The Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Oakland Raiders and Washington Redskins all won. In the same week. We’ll let you know if this is a sign of things to come.
Segment 2:
Whether it’s during exhibition games or in the regular season, significant injuries unfortunately find their way onto the football field. We detail who was hurt over the weekend and what it means for their teams going forward.
Segment 3:
Next up, we delve into the Studs, Duds and Surprises of Week 2. There were a lot of candidates for each category, but Duane and Mitch each picked one representative for this week’s awards.
Segment 4:
We close the show giving some insight into our Top 3 teams after two weeks of action. For the most part our hosts are on the same page, but disagree on who currently is the third best team in the league.
Stay tuned next week for our Week 3 Preview!
If you’ve got questions about the show, the NFL, or fantasy football send them our way.
- Be sure to check out our website at betweenthetrenches.com
- Check out our Facebook page: facebook.com/BetweenTheTrenchesNFL
- Follow the Between the Trenches crew as well:
- Rob Marsiglio: @rob_siglio
- Mitch Sanderson: @Mitch_Sanderson
- Duane Turner: @DuaneTurner18