The 2018 Donny Awards
The Donny Awards are here again this May.
WHEN: May 15, 7-10:30 p.m.
WHERE: Fox Cinema, 2236 Queen Street East
PROGRAM: Awards / Intermission / Screening
The Awards, named in honour of founder and ex-professor Don Gray, are the annual celebration of time-based media productions produced by students at the Story Arts Centre throughout the academic year.
If you were a student between September 2017 and April 2018, you are invited to enter your student work for consideration in the 2018 Donny Awards. The awards are open to all SCMAD students in Broadcasting, Advanced Film and TV, Game, Animation, and Children’s Media.
Awards are given to completed student projects in a range of categories such as: short videos, scripts, films, music video, commercial, documentaries, animation, game design and more (depending on what’s submitted). Awards are given to every semester and include any finished project that you submit. So consider any film or video project for any class as eligible entries.
- Online submission forms: extended to midnight, Monday, April 30
- Video Materials: extended to 4 p.m., Friday, May 4
Video Materials (on a USB key):
For each entry please submit all the following to the front desk:
1. Apple Pro Res (LT) 1920 x 1080
a. Labeled like this:
2. H264 1920 x 1080
a. Labeled like this:
3. URL or a YouTube link to the video
Online submission form:
The online submission deadline has passed. Thank you to all who entered and good luck!