Liane, an alien in a 13-year-old girl’s body, shares the story of how a red strain spread on the back of her pants during her school’s lunch break in this episode’s video journal. Her friend, Novi, explains that she is having her period and introduces her to the different products that can be used to protect one’s pants.
- Erica Gellert as Liane
- Kyah Green as Novi
- Written by Ally Cantalini
- Produced and Directed by Molison Farmer
- Audio Recordist and Directors of Photography Ally Cantalini & Danielle Fahey
- Production Designer Ally Cantalini
- Created by Danielle Fahey, Molison Farmer, and Nicole Honderich
- Illustrations by Mirka Loiselle www.mirkaillustrates.com
- Music Supervision by Kadeem Morgan, Arturo Rojas, and Christopher Tavas
- Production Assistants: Jaylin Chan, Alex Kolanko, Helen Sianos
Created as a part of the Centennial College Children’s Media program