“The Journal” is a show produced annually by Centennial College’s Broadcasting students. On the third episode of the 2022 version, we watch four short documentaries and a live performance of Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Lorene Santiso.
The stories on this episode are: a local stuntman with the hobby of shoe patina; the challenges of being alone in a new city; a person who helps newcomers adjust; and the routine of a special grocery store in Toronto.
Senior Show Producer: Anna Costa
Director: Kevin Costa
Writer: Alessio Zolezzi
Live Producer: Lorene Santiso
Technical Director: Jaiden Maghirang
Associate Producer: Linda Kovac
Hosts: Lorene Santiso and Jeremy Persaud
“A Stuntman’s Patina”
Directed & Produced: Alessio Zolezzi
Starring: Steven ‘Shack’ Shackleton
Music: Beach Ballin – Mr. ruiZ
“Isolating Times”
Directed & Produced: Anna Costa
Campfire –Telecasted
Snowy Peaks pt 1 – Chris Haugen
Directed & Produced: Lorene Santiso
Starring: Louella Pereira
Music: Cafe Music BMG Channel
“Vienna Fine Foods”
Directed & Produced: Linda Kovac
Starring: Ken Brandes
Home by Lukrembo
Boba Tea by Lukrembo
Special Thanks to:
Ken Brandes
Roza Lanyi
Vienna Fine Foods
“Walk Together”
Directors: Anna Costa & Alessio Zolezzi
Camera Operator: Lorene Santiso
Sound Recordist: Linda Kovac
Editor: Anna Costa
Special Thanks to the Portsmouth students
Love the Messenger – Freedom Trail Studio
Nine Lives – Unicorn Heads
Archival footage:
Toronto Archives
Toronto Public Library Archives
City of Toronto