How do I watch/listen to these Podcasts?

Watch: To watch the Centennial OnDemand video presentation of the seminars and discussions, you need a video player capable of playing H.264-encoded video.

The easiest way to play H.264 is with Apple's Quicktime.

You can also view the presentations on a video-equipped iPod.

Listen: To listen to Centennial OnDemand's audio presentation of the seminars and discussions, all you need is any computer capable of playing an MP3 file. Both Windows Media Player and Apple's iTunes are good choices.

You can also listen to the podcasts on any MP3 player, including Apple's iPod.

What is Hot Docs?

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America's largest documentary festival. Each year, the festival presents a selection of over 100 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe. Through its industry programmes, the festival also provides a full range of professional development, market and networking opportunities for documentary professionals.

Hot Docs was founded in 1993 by the Canadian Independent Film Caucus, a national association of independent documentary filmmakers. In 1996, Hot Docs became a separately incorporated organization with a mandate to showcase and support the work of Canadian and international documentary filmmakers and to promote excellence in documentary production.


What is Centennial OnDemand?

Centennial OnDemand is a project created at Centennial College to provide "OnDemand" access to student-created and student-produced content, both video and audio based.

Projects under the Centennial OnDemand banner include Centennial OnDemand: Radio, which is Canada's first, student-produced, podcast-based college radio station.

Check out the station at:

For more on Centennial College Check out: